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Streamline processes & empower productivity

A comprehensive solution that is tailored to enhance organization and operational capability of businesses using Salesforce.


Transforming organizational efficiency

File Organization

Efficient document management with file uploads and folder organization for orgs to customize workflows to their own specific needs.

OCR Search

Robust full-text search for rapid document discovery, improving efficiency, reducing search time & the time required to find critical information.


Seamless email integration for preserving emails and attachments in the appropriate file for easy access and organization.


Microsoft Word and Outlook plugins for easy integration of emails and events into Salesforce files, improving document management.

File Syncing

Ability to edit and save documents directly from Microsoft Office for synced and up-to-date files, enhancing document management accuracy.


Windows apps for attributing printing, scanning, and faxing costs to specific files for accurate recovery on client invoicing.

Discover what QuantumRhino
can do for you.

From design and architecture to implementation, we specialize in bringing innovative solutions to life.

Let's Talk!

We’re ready to help your company elevate with automation solutions.